statement text

英 [ˈsteɪtmənt tekst] 美 [ˈsteɪtmənt tekst]




  1. A verbal statement is no guarantee; a written text must be given as evidence.
  2. Each SQL statement in the text file must be terminated with a semicolon(;).
  3. The SELECT statement above retrieves the data from your status_updates table in individual columns named date_created and text.
  4. This statement is vulnerable to SQL injection-quotes in$_GET ['username '] are not escaped and will be concatenated as part of the statement text, which can result in malicious behavior.
  5. Since the statement in the STMTKEY element contains the special XML characters, the query text needs to be enclosed in a CDATA section starting with
  6. The improvements help data managers track connections and authorizations, statement text, application IDs, and the originating request's IP, along with timestamps for important events.
  7. Your problem statement requires the text, so you focus on the getColumnText method.
  8. SQL statement text is known at development time.
  9. The next statement sets the text box with name q with the value HttpUnit.
  10. Extensions to the CREATE INDEX statement enable administrators to create full text indexes to help improve the performance of such searches.
  11. Information about all SQL statements executed before the lock-timeout event in the participating transactions, such as statement text, isolation level used, order of execution, and so on.
  12. The db2pd call gathers information about locks, transactions, applications, and the statement cache and stores this information in a text file for analysis purposes.
  13. Low-level tracing captures statement statistics, statement text and statement iterators.
  14. By using XML tags within the policy, you can modify text, add text to the utility syntax statement, or remove text from it.
  15. Or you could combine this into one statement if you do not use this particular text field more than once in your script
  16. When you select a code statement node, the corresponding reference appears refactored and highlighted in the preview code changes text box.
  17. You can now specify your parameters by changing the SQL statement in the query text box or by clicking query builder.
  18. Article71if the company is provided with an audit statement with disclaimer of opinion or adverse opinion, the text of the audit statement, the financial statement and its notes shall be disclosed in the summary of the annual report.
  19. Create a filter statement in the filter statement text box.
  20. If the company is provided with an audit statement with clean opinion or reservation opinion, the text of the audit statement, the financial statement, and the notes related to the emphasized notes of clean opinion or reservation opinion shall be disclosed.
  21. Preface: Formal statement before the text of a book by the author, explaining how he came to write the book. As distinct from Foreward.
  22. He declined to amplify on the President's statement, since he had not read the text.
  23. Put a cross? after each false statement according to the text.
  24. Indicator of whether a column permission was set. Parse the statement text to determine exactly which permissions were applied to which columns.
  25. When you use the Transact-SQL SET statement options, you can produce estimated and actual execution plans in XML or text.
  26. Through external factors analysis, internal factors analysis, rival analysis, core competitiveness analysis and mission statement, this text educes the conclusion that the Wuhan Optics Valley of China should choose leap comprehensive development strategy.
  27. Establishment and Statement about the Text Teaching Aim
  28. On the one hand, the fans are enthusiastic players with powerful productivity. They make contribution to symbols productivity, statement productivity and text productivity of television culture.
  29. This section gives a concluding statement for the full text, points out the limitations of this paper, and expounds on the research prospects in the field.
  30. Itemized statement, each based on different texts, will be based on unit requirements and the text features of breakdown of different training focus.